This is a great video as an introduction to my good friend and teacher Dr Frank Shallenberger. He brought ozone therapy to the USA in the late 70’s from Germany, and introduced us to this amazing oxygen therapy, which has now become a large part of many natural health care providers treatment modalities. It’s a big part of many protocols we do at Advanced Rejuvenation, and we suggest folks get set up with their own ozone machine at home! I hope you enjoy this video, which is part one. We will be releasing the second part, which is Dr. Shallenberger’s top 5 secrets to boosting your immune system.
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The Ozone Miracle (a book by Dr. Frank Shallenberger) https://www.amazon.in/Ozone-Miracle-harness-oxygen-healthy-ebook/dp/B06XDCGPCF Make a consult with Dr. John: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=17898553&appointmentType=13596935 Signup for the newsletter: http://www.ultimatecellularreset.com/health-potential-news/ You can contact me by: http://www.ultimatecellularreset.com https://www.instagram.com/UltimateCellularReset AskDoctorJL@Gmail.com (941) 330-8553