All infections will produce a very sticky substance, called a biofilM. It is used to protect & hide microbes from your immune system. Biofilm also acts like fly paper, exposing your NERVOUS system to many air born pathogens & toxins, like mold.
Infections in your sinus’ are prevalent in many people who are not symptomatic!
Dr John’s Sinus Protocol is a good idea for everybody to do at least once a year, and for some, every 3/4 months.
Chronic nasal infection produces a sticky substance called biofilm, which the bacteria uses to protect and hide itself from your immune system. This infection is particularly prevalent in Degenerative Neurologic conditions, as well as Lyme and Mold Illness (CIRS) cases. Moreover, many people can have some level of this!
These bacteria reside deep in the nasal passage of those suffering from many illnesses, including chronic inflammatory illnesses, and can lead to CFIDS (Brain Fog, Neurological Inflammation, Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome). This percentage increases when the person has also been treated with antibiotics for a month or more. Once they have taken up residence, these bacteria will lower your Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone, increase cytokines, and lower T-reg cells. This results in Chronic Fatigue symptoms of body aches and debilitating exhaustion. These bacteria send chemicals into the blood (exotoxins A and B), which increase inflammation. These sticky biofilm can trap mold toxins, and any airborne pathogen much more easily! I have worked hard to formulate a protocol to address these infections, which can sometimes be difficult to clear! MARCoNS is a Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus infection.
This incidence with the MARCoNS type infection increases when the person has also been treated with antibiotics for a month or more. Once they have taken up residence, these bacteria will lower your Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone, increases cytokines, and lower T-reg cells, resulting in Chronic Fatigue symptoms of body aches and debilitating exhaustion. These bacteria send chemicals into the blood (exotoxins A and B) that increase inflammation. These sticky biofilm can trap mold toxins, and any airborne pathogen such a COVID-19 much more easily! I have worked hard to formulate a protocol to address these infections, which can sometimes be difficult to clear! Please also see my MARCoNS nasal infection article at mitozen.com. MARCoNS is a Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus infection.
Below is our protocol with Glutagenic™ products.
You’ll need the following:
2-3 bottles of GlutaStat™ 35ml or 1 large 4 oz GlutaStat™ multi dose bottle.
2-3 bottles of GlutaStat NS™ 20ml nasal spray bottles or a 120ml bulk.
Nebulizer (either a mini or full size machine)
NeilMed bottle or Netti Pot
Duration of treatment should not be less than 30 days. You should use the nasal spray GlutaStat NS™ 3-4 times a day. You should nebulize GlutaStat™ 2 times each day, morning and evening. Create the irrigation rinse using the Netti Pot or NeilMed bottle, by adding 2-4 droppers full of GlutaStat™. For added kick, use Lugol’s Iodine (one dropper full), a pinch of pink salt, along with distilled water. This is good for 12-16 oz of fluid. Do not use any nasal spray containing steroids, as they will prevent your immune system from fighting the infection. After the 30 days of treatment, if you started your program with a MARCoNs test, you should retested to make sure you are clear of the infection.
Irrigation is best 2 times a day. A stronger silver with EDTA (a strong biofilm dissolver), and a probiotic combination, can be helpful with more serious MARCoNs. See this Alternative Marcons A& B through MitoZen.com
Do not use any nasal spray containing steroids, as they will prevent your immune system from fighting the infection.
This is the suggested protocol:
Upon waking use the Netti Pot or NeilMed spiked with Glutastat.
Next spray the GlutaSat NS 2 sprays into each nostril.
If you are also doing the protocol with the GlutaStat and Nebulizer, Use 1.5ml and breathe.
Spray 2 sprays of GlutaStat NS throughout the day. Total of 4-5 times is best, especially the first week. After that, 3 times a day is usually adequate.
In the evening, repeat the Netti Pot/NeilMed sinus rinse with the GlutaStat spiked solution.
If you are also doing the protocol with the GlutaStat and Nebulizer, breathe 1.5ml now.
After , spray 2 sprays of GlutaStat NS, and you are finished for the day!